99 Pixels
99 pixels to turn those flat lines into waves
“To be happy in life is simply boring. Why be boring when life can get you endless ecstasy?”
Since we are small, we have been constantly told that you can be everything. Yet, as I grew up I am disappointed in the fact that it was just a lie. The world is an infinity that we can't comprehend all by ourselves. At least, I want to explore the most of the pixels that universe offers. Here we go, 99 pixels that I would like to cross out of my life to ripple a little wave in my life:
- Write a children book/adult book. Both would be nice
Illustrate a children book- Open a bakery, doesn’t matter if it will turn out successful or not, small or big
- Try to be vegetarian for 1 month
Eat out alone in a restaurantSolo Traveling- Skydiving
- Bungee jumping!
ParasailingVisit all 5 continents- Read one book every month
- Learn programming
- Keep on learning illustrator, photoshop, constantly produce art! (Don’t lag off)
Try to go to a dance class- Learn how to hack
- Maintain a blog for a least 5 years
- Travel around Indonesia more. Should see:
Komodo Island, Raja Ampat, Bunaken, Wakatobi, NTT,Karimun Jawa, Green Canyon, Derawan, Pulau Kei, Sumba, Ijen Climb a mountain again!- Europe travel bucket list:
Spain,Greece, Romania (East part). - Others travel bucket list: South Africa, Brazil, Japan, Korea
Do voluntary work for a month minimal, preferably in Indonesia- Be a good volunteer.
Be a teacher- Be a good teacher
- Try to bake from scratch without a recipe that turns out magnificent
- Illustrate something for a bestie (postcard or book), once a year
- Coachsurfing
- Hitchhike
- Learn stock market
- Run in a marathon
- Learn how to make an application
Be angry for once and don't think about people around you- See the northern lights
Dye your hair- Dye your hair again, properly.
Visit the desert- Create your own business with friends!
- A startup on renewable energy would be nice.
Don't be a corporate slave for the rest of your life.- After second thought - no, be whatever you want. It's okay to be a corporate slave if you are happy and it serves your purpose.
- Don't turn work into your hobby. Whatever they say about doing what you love, there's a difference between your occupation and your hobby. Thus, you can always learn to love your job :)
- Don't forget your masters degree
- Have inner boundaries. Be happy because you are sincerely happy, don't do something just to make others happy.
- Take care of yourself. Exercise regularly and eat healthy food. At the end of the day, everybody just want to save their own ass - so, you might as well save yours.
- Make a home out of anywhere you are.
- Make a travel + baking blog!
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